Tuesday, July 06, 2010

7 Natural Tricks to a Better Night Sleep

Instead of reaching for sleeping pills try some of these natural tricks!

1) Block out artificial light. Try turning off TVs and computers 30mins before going to bed, to allow your natural sleep rhythms to produce melatonin to put you to sleep. Also try covering digital clocks, smoke-alarm lights, and close the blinds to keep out other artificial lights. Once you start feeling tired make sure you go to bed immediately without turning on any lights to reset your rhythms.

2) Don't eat before bed. Most of all sugar. Try to finish eating at least 1 hour before you plan on going to bed.

3) Limit alcohol consumption. Although many people feel that alcohol helps put them to sleep, it actually does the opposite (unless you are blackout drunk...but we don't want that!). Alcohol can upset your natural sleep rhythms and make it difficult to achieve REM sleep. Try only drinking on weekends, and see if you sleep better during the week.

4) Keep your bedroom cool. Keep your bedroom on the cooler side, but have plenty of blankets to keep you warm. Try starting out the night with your legs outside of the blankets, once you start feeling a little chilly snuggle up with your blankets, and the warm sensation will help relax you and put you to sleep.

5) Ambient noise. Try adding some ambient noise to your bedroom. A fan works great for this purpose, and also assists in #4! The ambient noise will help to block out any starting noises that may occur in or around the house helping to keep you asleep.

6) Aromatherapy. Try keeping some lavender oil, smelling salts, or pillow sprays in your bedroom to help relax you before bed. Also try a nice hot, sugar free cup of relaxing tea before bed.

7) Clear your mind. About 30mins before going to bed try to clear your mind of anything stressful in your life. Instead of thinking about everything you have to do tomorrow, think about a fun experience you had recently and allow your mind to wonder in that moment.