Sunday, August 02, 2009

Top 10 Dieting Mistakes

All of us have tried dieting at one time or another, but we don't realize that the way we are dieting could be hurting us more than it is helping. Read the Top 10 Dieting Mistakes to see...

1.Skipping Breakfast
If you skip breakfast you will make up for it later, and with more calories.

2. Not Eating Before a Workout
You will get more out of your workout if you have enough fuel for it. You want a light balanced meal of carbohydrates, proteins and a little fat.

3. Waiting Too Long After a Workout to Eat
Eat a small meal of protein and carbohydrates with in 2 hours of exercise to replenish.

4. Replacing Meals With Energy Bars and Weight-loss Shakes
There is no replacement for whole foods, your body needs the fiber and nutrients that come with real food. Use these meal replacement bars and shakes when necessary, but make it a habit to eat whole foods.

5. Eating Too Much Protein and Not Enough Carbs
You may love your low-carb diet, but carbohydrates are what your body needs for an effective workout as well as everything else.

6. Blindly Trusting Dietary Supplement Claims
You are reading marketing on the label, not research findings. Do your homework before putting anything in your body.

7. Consuming Too Many or Too Few Calories
You need to eat the right amount of calories for your activity level, go to to calculate your calorie needs.

8. Thinking You Can Eat Anything You Want If You Exercise
Many people exercise to lose weight but soon find that they need to track what they eat if they want to see weight loss. It is very easy to make up for calories burned with a single extra "treat" after your workout. Find healthy, balanced light meals and snacks relying on whole foods whenever possible.

9. Not Drinking The Right Amount of Fluids
Dehydration can be a serious problem, especially if you exercise in hot, humid environments. Drinking fluids before, during and after exercise will help you maintain adequate hydration levels.

10. Jumping on The Latest Diet Craze to Get an Edge
It's tempting to believe there is some magic formula out there that will dramatically improve our performance or weight loss, but the best approach is to stick to the basics and follow a healthy, balanced diet.


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