Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Facts About Female Training

Benefits of Resistance Training for Women:

- Increase in bone mineral density
- Increase in Fat-Free mass
- Increase in muscular strength and muscular indurance
- Increase in insulin sensitivity
- Increase in HDL (good cholesterol), decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Increase in psychological well-being


-Women have a greater lumber spinal curvature due to the "true pelvis" (larger for babies), which often leads to more chronic lower back pain. - Due to this, Core Training needs to be a staple

-Injury Prevention - use multi-mode training (work the same muscles different ways) to avoid overuse.

-Women have 8%-10% more body fat

-Women have much greater "fatigue resistance"

-Women have wider hips and knees than men

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