Friday, July 31, 2009

13 Important Reasons to Lose Weight

1. Increase your lifespan

2. Improve your quality of life

3. Gain more self-confidence

4. Decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease

5. Sleep better

6. Decrease your body fat percentage

7. Increase your strength

8. Improve your mood

9. Feel more energized

10. Recharge your libido

11. Decrease your risk of cancer

12. Decrease your risk of diabetes

13. Improve your lifestyle

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Beat Breast Cancer!

"Mushrooms contain compunds that may supress the production of estrogen, a hormone that promotes breast tumor growth." -Min Zhang Ph.D.

Whether you prefer plain white, buttons, or shiitakes, eating a single mushroom a day may help keep breast cancer at bay. A new study in the International Journal of Cancer found that women who consumed the fungi were 64% less likley to develop breast cancer, than those who didn't (Shape July 2009).

"You don't need a strong effect to cause cancer prevention. Eating 100 grams or even less of mushrooms per day could have an effect on preventing new breast cancers," Dr. Shiuan Chen of the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope in Duarte, California, the study's lead author, said in a press release accompanying the study (

Here are a few ways to start incorporating mushrooms into your diet:
-slice onto a salad
-saute in a stir-fry
-add to soups
-dip in favorite dressing or hummus

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Digression on Meat in America...

According to Marion Nestle the author of What to Eat,

"[As Americans] we share this country with nearly 100 million cattle. We slaughter 35 million of them each year to produce 26 billion pounds of steaks, hamburgers, and ground taco filling. But beef is nothing compared to chicken. Each year about 8 billion chickens get turned into 43 billion pounds of breasts, buffalo wings, and chicken nuggets. And then there are the 96 million pigs slaughtered for fresh pork, ham, or bacon, and a few million calves (veal) and lamb."

The conclusion? As Americans, we love meat. Marion Nestle goes on to talk about the environmental implications that come along with our meat infatuation stating,

"Raising cattle is a good way to turn grasses that we humans cannot use as food into high-quality meat protein, but feedlots instead use enormous quantities of perfectly edible corn and soybeans to feed animals, not people. Raising cattle also consumes vast amounts of nonrenewable energy. According to figures in the June 2004 National Geographic, it takes more than 200 gallons of fuel oil to raise a 1,200 pound steer on a feedlot. The cost of feed, fertilizers, and machinery, and the fuel to produce or run them, get factored into the price of the meat, but the 'externalities'-the cost of cleaning up the animal wastes and pollutants in air, land, and water -do not. You pay the costs of loss of environmental quality in taxes, not at the grocery store."

Wow, so even if you don't eat meat, you are still paying for it with your taxes...Ouch!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Healthy Things You Should Do Everyday!

Slim down the healthy way by following these 5 guidelines

1. Cut back on alcohol
Giving up alcohol forever is probably not a realistic goal for everyone, but keep in mind alcohol is high in calories, and effects your sleep patterns. Try taking a hiatus from alcohol and see how you feel!

2. Drink WATER!
Yes, I can't stress it enough...water is important! Water is the ultimate in detoxification, and is required for every bodily function. Drink it with every meal, and in-between to help curb hunger. If you get a hunger pain, try drinking a glass of water before you reach for food, many times that hunger pain is actually dehydration in disguise!

3. Cut back on refined sugars
Read your nutrition labels and cut back on anything that has sugar (or some form of it) as the top 5 ingredients.

4. Don't ban carbs
Whole grains are linked to lower body weight, less belly fat, increased satiety, and better blood sugar control. Aim for switching out white carbs for brown carbs, meaning white bread - whole wheat bread, white rice - brown rice, white pasta - whole wheat pasta etc.

5. Load up on the fruits and veggies
In my opinion, you can't get enough. Fruits and vegetable are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other words, the are great for you. Try adding some to every meal and snack!

Shape-Summer 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

5 Low-Calorie Quick Snacks

-If you are craving SALTY
1. -Air popped popcorn
-Light drizzle of canola oil
-spinkle chilli powder, salt, and cumin on top!

-If you are craving CHOCOLATE
2. -Strawberries in sugar-free chocolate pudding

-If you are craving SWEET
3. -Bowl of rasberries and blueberries
-squeeze lemon on top
-a small sprinkle of sugar

-If you are craving CREAMY
4. -Mash 1oz. goat cheese
-mix in fat-free milk, chopped fresh basil and sun dried tomatoes, Salt and Pepper
-use as a dip for veggies!

-If you are craving something CHEESY
5. -Take a whole wheat english muffin
-sprinkle cheese of choice on top
-microwave or bake until melted
*in desired add fresh halved cherry tomotoes and chopped basil on top

Monday, July 20, 2009

8 Ways to Help Boost Your Metabolism

Your natural metabolism depends on several different factors including gender, age, and genetics, but there are ways to increase the metabolism you have.

1. Replace Fat with muscle
-Each pound of muscle uses 6 calories a day, where as each pound of fat only uses 2 calories a day.

2. Aerobic Exercise
-Aerobic exercise boosts your metabolism for several hours following exercise, and you burn calories while working out!

3. Stay Hydrated
-Water is the most important nutrient for us, if your body sense you are running low on water it will slow down processes that aren't vital until it gets more water to work with.

4. Ice
-Have your beverages throughout the day on ice, this helps prompt the body to burn more calories during digestion.

5. Eat More Often
-Eating a small meal (like an apple) 3or4 hours apart keeps your metabolism running all the time, so you burn more calories throughout the day. Plus, then you will be less likely to stuff yourself at regular meal times.

6. Spicy Foods
-Spicy foods contain compounds that kick your metabolism into high gear. Studies show that eating a tablespoon of chopped red or green chilli pepper can boost your metabolic rate by 23%!

7. Eat More Protein
-Your body uses twice as many calories digesting protein as it does digesting carbohydrates or fats. Healthy sources of protein include fish, chicken, tofu, and eggs.

8. Avoid Crash Diets
-Crash diets are those in which you consume less than 1,000 calories in a day. This wreaks havoc on your metabolism. Your body goes into "starvation mode" and stores everything you consume, which is exactly the opposite of what you want!


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trans Fats:The Bad Boys of Nutrition

Trans Fats or Unsaturated fats, are man made, unessential fats. In other words, they are not needed by your body to maintain homeostasis. Trans Fats were created to eliminate the need for refrigeration, increase shelf-life, and for the convenience of staying solid at room temperature.

Trans Fats have been found to effect ones cholesterol ratio by increasing the LDL (bad) cholesterol and decreasing HDL (good) cholesterol, and this increases ones chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. How much trans fats are acceptable?-NONE! I would suggest consuming as little as possible, check every label!

There has been a law passed that trans fats must be clearly identified on food labels, so you would think that these "bad boys" of nutrition would be easy to avoid...right? Unfortunatley there is a loop hole in the system, if a serving has less than o.5 grams of trans fat, the label may state ZERO in the "fats" section. Considering the food company sets the serving size to whatever they want, they can find a way to disguise trans fats. So again I say, check all of your labels! If trans fats are not clearly identified in the "fats" section of the nutrition label, scroll down to the ingredients and make sure nothing says "hydrogenated," this is code for trans fats!

Trans Fats are found commonly in:
-pie crusts
-pizza dough
-fried foods
-frozen dinners
-snack foods
-microwave popcorn
*as well as many other places.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Spinach: Superfood Highlight


*Try to eat 1 C steamed or 2 cups raw most days

Spinach is an excellent source of:

-Plant derived omega-3 fatty acids
-Alpha-lipoic acid
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin E
-B Vitamins
*AND low in calories

Spinach is one of the most nutritious foods on earth, calorie for calorie, spinach provides more nutrients than any other food (Superfoods Health Style). Research has demonstrated that the consumption of spinach helps prevent:

-Cardiovascular Disease (including stroke and coronary artery disease)
-Cancer: colon, lung, skin, oral, stomach, ovarian, prostate, and breast
-Age-related macular degeneration

A few tips to help get spinach into your diet:

-Hot, steamed spinach is a good side dish (sprinkle with sesame or pine nuts)
-Spinach salads (or mixed in with other greens)
-Add to soups or casseroles
-Use on sandwiches

(Superfoods HealthStyle :Proven Strategies for Lifelong Health)

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Silent Killer


Hypertension is known as the "silent killer" because somone can go for years without ever having signs or symptoms. Noone, not even a doctor, can look at 10 people in a room and pick out who has this disease and who doesn't. Over 50 million Americans age 6 and above have this disease, defined by a systolic reading of 140+ mmHg, and/or diastolic reading of 90+ mmHg (NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training).

What is Hypertension?
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is dangerous because it makes the heart work harder than it needs to, and it puts extra stress on the artery walls. This extra stress causes small mirco tears to occur in the artery walls, these micro tears eventually lead to the hardening and thickening of the arteries. This puts an individual at risk for heart attack, stroke, or both. Organs that are damaged due to hypertension include: heart, blood vessels, brain, and kidneys (NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training).

What Causes Hypertension?
-Being Overweight/Obese
-Lack of Physical Activity
-Too much salt in the diet
-Too much alcohol consumption
-Older Age
-Family History
-Chronic Kidney Disease
-Adrenal of Thyroid disorders
*taken from

Management of Hypertension
Once detected hypertension can be controlled to minimize the damaging effects that it can have. Lifestyle modifications for clients with hypertension includes the nonpharmacologic interventions such as exercise, weight loss, and dietary changes. General lifestyle changes include adequate sleep, reduction in sodium intake, adequate potassium intake, weight loss, limiting alcohol intake, increasing aerobic activity, reducing intake of saturated fats, and quitting smoking (NSCA's Essentials of Personal Training).

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Interesting Health Facts

Interesting Health Facts from The Culprit and the Cure:

-Healthy diet recommendations include:

  • Eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday
  • Eat whole grain breads, cereals, and other high-fiber foods
  • Limit the consumption of red meat to no more than 1x/week (fish, poultry, and eggs are great alternatives)
  • Consume nuts and beans regularly
  • Limit consumption of saturated fats
  • Avoid ALL trans fats

-All the benefits of physical activity are available without the presence of pain-"no pain, no gain" is a myth

-On average cigarette smokers die 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.

-Preventing common chronic diseases and premature death later in life requires that you take action NOW, even though you have no symptoms of chronic diseases.

-People who increase their fruit and vegetable consumption from 2 servings a day to 5 servings a day can cut their risk of getting many cancers by HALF.

*Taken from Steven G. Aldana's The Culprit and the Cure

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

10 Healthy Foods for under $1ea

10 Healthy Foods you can afford!!

1. Bananas
-High in potassium and Vitamin C, and low in calories and fat! This delicious fruit will help you avoid cramps while exercising, and is a great way to help replenish your electrolytes!

2. Baby carrots
-High in beta carotene and Vitamin A these delicous veggies help your eye sight, help regulate your blood sugar, and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol!

3. Canned Corn
-Corn is a great source of fiber, thiamin, pantothenic acid, folate, and vitamin C!

4. Water!
-Yes I know, people are always telling you to drink more water...but it is cheaper and way better for you than soda, AND it is the most important nutrient you can get!

5. Canned Tuna
-High in protein and good fats this fish is an excellent alternative to red meat.

6. Eggs
-High in protein and easy on the wallet, don't believe the egg cholesterol myth.

7. Apples
-Apple a day keeps the doctor away! Use these yummy, vitamin packed fruits to help satisfy your sweet cravings

8. Oats
-High in Fiber, and great for your heart!

9. Broccoli
-High in fiber, and vitamins A & C!

10. Nuts
-High in good fats, and a great way to curb an appetite!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Exercise:The Natural Cure for Depression

Exercise has been found to help improve the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Evidence suggests that exercise raises the levels of certain mood-enhancing neurotransmitters in the brain. Exercise may also boost feel-good endorphins, release muscle tension, help you sleep better, and reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It also increases body temperature, which may have calming effects. All of these changes in your mind and body can improve such symptoms as sadness, anxiety, irritability, stress, fatigue, anger, self-doubt and hopelessness ( By substituting exercise in for medication (when appropriate) it can help improve your mood while avoiding the negative side effects of some medications.

If you are looking to improve your mood through exercise set realistic and attainable goals. Start with just 10 minutes a day of brisk walking. Pick a nice park or waterfront, enjoy the open air and get some exercise. From there start increasing the amount of time, and the intensity (from a walk to a jog), also try several different kinds of exercise to keep it interesting. The goal is to eventually get to 30minutes 3-5 days a week. Make sure to take note of your mood before and after exercise so that you can see improvements, this will help you to stay motivated!

*Consult your physician before starting a new exercise program
*Don't stop taking any prescribed medications before talking to your physician first

Friday, July 10, 2009


WebMD Top Superfoods Offering Super Health Protection:

-Blueberries: Antioxidant Superfood
-Oats: High in fiber
-Oranges: High in Vitamin C
-Pumpkin: High in Vitamin A and Beta Carotene
-Salmon: Superfood for Heart, Joints, and Memory
-Soy: Superfood to Lower Cholesterol

Taken from

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Common Fitness and Nutrition Myths

Common Fitness and Nutrition Myths

  • MYTH: If you lift weights you will become big and bulky.

-Weights are a great way to reach your fitness goals whether they are to build muscle, or tone muscle to get that lean in-shape look. It all depends on how you use them!

  • MYTH: Eating close to nothing will help me lose weight.

-When you deprive your body of food, it switches into starvation mode and stores as much as it can. In other words, the exact opposite of what you want. The goal is the eat several small meals throughout the day, its all about portion sizes.

  • MYTH: Working out and staying in shape is very time consuming.

-I guess it all depends what you consider time consuming, but in reality dedicating 1 hour out of your 24 hour day shouldn't be too much of a stretch. And when you are just starting out all it takes is 20-30mins!

  • MYTH: Working out in boring, and healthy food is bland.

-No way! Being physically active doesn't mean running on a treadmill for 2 hours, it can mean playing soccer, gardening, swimming, jumping on a trampoline etc. There are plenty of ways to burn calories and have a good time, the key is finding the best way for you! And as for healthy food being bland, also not true, spices are calorie free and they make the difference between bland and amazing!

  • MYTH: "You can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks!"

-Sorry, unless you are severely obese this isn't going to happen, no matter what the convincing infomercial tells you. Losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks isn't realistic or healthy. A healthy goal to set would be losing 1 pound a week!

  • MYTH: If someone is a "Personal Trainer" they must know what they are talking about.

-Nope. Don't trust someone just because they claim to be a personal trainer. Check their credentials, make sure they have a degree, an accredited certification, or both! You want to make sure they know what they are talking about!

  • MYTH: If someone is skinny they must be healthy.

-Not necessarily. There are people with eating disorders that are skinny, but really their bodies are deprived of nutrients. There are people that have fast metabolisms and they eat whatever they want, but this includes large amounts of bad fats and sugars. Just because someone is skinny does not mean that they lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • MYTH: You have to belong to a gym to stay in shape and get a good workout.

-Not true! That is where In-Home Personal Training comes into play. I bring the gym to you, and I will teach you how to workout from home for the rest of your life! More affordable than a gym membership in the long run!