Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Common Fitness and Nutrition Myths

Common Fitness and Nutrition Myths

  • MYTH: If you lift weights you will become big and bulky.

-Weights are a great way to reach your fitness goals whether they are to build muscle, or tone muscle to get that lean in-shape look. It all depends on how you use them!

  • MYTH: Eating close to nothing will help me lose weight.

-When you deprive your body of food, it switches into starvation mode and stores as much as it can. In other words, the exact opposite of what you want. The goal is the eat several small meals throughout the day, its all about portion sizes.

  • MYTH: Working out and staying in shape is very time consuming.

-I guess it all depends what you consider time consuming, but in reality dedicating 1 hour out of your 24 hour day shouldn't be too much of a stretch. And when you are just starting out all it takes is 20-30mins!

  • MYTH: Working out in boring, and healthy food is bland.

-No way! Being physically active doesn't mean running on a treadmill for 2 hours, it can mean playing soccer, gardening, swimming, jumping on a trampoline etc. There are plenty of ways to burn calories and have a good time, the key is finding the best way for you! And as for healthy food being bland, also not true, spices are calorie free and they make the difference between bland and amazing!

  • MYTH: "You can lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks!"

-Sorry, unless you are severely obese this isn't going to happen, no matter what the convincing infomercial tells you. Losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks isn't realistic or healthy. A healthy goal to set would be losing 1 pound a week!

  • MYTH: If someone is a "Personal Trainer" they must know what they are talking about.

-Nope. Don't trust someone just because they claim to be a personal trainer. Check their credentials, make sure they have a degree, an accredited certification, or both! You want to make sure they know what they are talking about!

  • MYTH: If someone is skinny they must be healthy.

-Not necessarily. There are people with eating disorders that are skinny, but really their bodies are deprived of nutrients. There are people that have fast metabolisms and they eat whatever they want, but this includes large amounts of bad fats and sugars. Just because someone is skinny does not mean that they lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • MYTH: You have to belong to a gym to stay in shape and get a good workout.

-Not true! That is where In-Home Personal Training comes into play. I bring the gym to you, and I will teach you how to workout from home for the rest of your life! More affordable than a gym membership in the long run!


  1. I need to lose alot of weight. I work out 2-3 times a day (swimming,bike,gazelle) 6 days a week. I eat fruit, cereal, chick or meat 3 times a week. I drink tons of water and herbal tea. In the last 6 weeks I have not dropped an ounce. What's next?

  2. mslickey: You know, your situation is not uncommon. People get into a routine, and they lose weight right away, but then as time goes on they stop losing weight and plateau. The key to fixing this to change EVERYTHING! Make a big change in your routine, mix it up! I would suggest more cardio, more often, and a different mode. Meaning, if you currently bike 3x/wk for 30mins, try running 3x/wk for an hour! I would also make a big change in your diet! Incorporate more fiber (whole wheat, brown rice etc.), and try eliminating a vice from your diet (like soda!). I hope this helps! Let me know how it goes!
