Sunday, July 19, 2009

Trans Fats:The Bad Boys of Nutrition

Trans Fats or Unsaturated fats, are man made, unessential fats. In other words, they are not needed by your body to maintain homeostasis. Trans Fats were created to eliminate the need for refrigeration, increase shelf-life, and for the convenience of staying solid at room temperature.

Trans Fats have been found to effect ones cholesterol ratio by increasing the LDL (bad) cholesterol and decreasing HDL (good) cholesterol, and this increases ones chances of developing cardiovascular diseases. How much trans fats are acceptable?-NONE! I would suggest consuming as little as possible, check every label!

There has been a law passed that trans fats must be clearly identified on food labels, so you would think that these "bad boys" of nutrition would be easy to avoid...right? Unfortunatley there is a loop hole in the system, if a serving has less than o.5 grams of trans fat, the label may state ZERO in the "fats" section. Considering the food company sets the serving size to whatever they want, they can find a way to disguise trans fats. So again I say, check all of your labels! If trans fats are not clearly identified in the "fats" section of the nutrition label, scroll down to the ingredients and make sure nothing says "hydrogenated," this is code for trans fats!

Trans Fats are found commonly in:
-pie crusts
-pizza dough
-fried foods
-frozen dinners
-snack foods
-microwave popcorn
*as well as many other places.

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