Wednesday, July 22, 2009

5 Healthy Things You Should Do Everyday!

Slim down the healthy way by following these 5 guidelines

1. Cut back on alcohol
Giving up alcohol forever is probably not a realistic goal for everyone, but keep in mind alcohol is high in calories, and effects your sleep patterns. Try taking a hiatus from alcohol and see how you feel!

2. Drink WATER!
Yes, I can't stress it enough...water is important! Water is the ultimate in detoxification, and is required for every bodily function. Drink it with every meal, and in-between to help curb hunger. If you get a hunger pain, try drinking a glass of water before you reach for food, many times that hunger pain is actually dehydration in disguise!

3. Cut back on refined sugars
Read your nutrition labels and cut back on anything that has sugar (or some form of it) as the top 5 ingredients.

4. Don't ban carbs
Whole grains are linked to lower body weight, less belly fat, increased satiety, and better blood sugar control. Aim for switching out white carbs for brown carbs, meaning white bread - whole wheat bread, white rice - brown rice, white pasta - whole wheat pasta etc.

5. Load up on the fruits and veggies
In my opinion, you can't get enough. Fruits and vegetable are high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other words, the are great for you. Try adding some to every meal and snack!

Shape-Summer 2009

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